It's not often we get treated to international DJ's that aren't Trance or House or DJ Tiesto or one of those Bump 59 half-assers. So when a cool international talent like DJ Babu of Dilated Peoples rocks up on our doorstep to play a little intimate sess, one should embrace it.
I'll be there. The one throwing his hands in the air like he just dont care saying Ahh Yeah!
So FIFA and their merry band of lawyers took down Kulula for being a little too 'South African' and 'soccery', but will they take down the new Loeries campaign for the same reason? After all, the Loeries are claiming "The Biggest Event of the Year."
And since FIFA clearly own 'South Africa', 'vuvuzelas', and 'soccer balls', then who's to say they don't own the colours blue, yellow, red, green and high angle photographs of the city?